Advanced Environmental Group, Inc. (AEG) provides a wide array of services including: environmental, occupational health and safety performance and system audits; phase I audits; hazardous building materials survey; development and launch of required regulatory programs, written plans, and training; environmental, personal exposure and health risk assessments; and, traditional industrial hygiene surveys.

Construction / Demolition Consulting:
- Hazard material bulk sampling building survey (i.e. Asbestos, Lead, PCB)
- Specification development
- Project development and management
- Third party monitoring

Environmental Services:
- Site assessments
- Environmental monitoring
- Perimeter fenceline monitoring (TSP, PM10, PM2.5, PUF)
- Meteorological data collection
- Weather station placement and installation

Occupational Health and Safety:
- Third party oversight
- Corporate audits
- Program development
- Injury illness prevention plan (IIPP)
- Hearing conservation
- Confined space
- Temperature stressors
- Lock out tag out (LOTO)
- Corporate and site-specific health and safety plans

Industrial Hygiene Services:
- Indoor air quality
- Exposure monitoring
- Noise dosimetry
- Ventilation
- Ergonomics
- Ionizing and non-ionizing radiological monitoring

Litigation Support:
- Provide opinions on historical evidence and documentation
- Industrial hygiene exposure monitoring
- Provide evaluation of regulatory compliance
- Expert witness testimony for depositions and trial
- Exposure modeling